Posted on: June 11, 2020 Posted by: NT Comments: 0

Translator’s Note: This article comes from OK! Magazine 2019 Aug Issue. This is also a quick Q&A article.

OK! x Xiao Zhan

Q: After acting as Wei Wuxian in the Untamed, what new things did you learn about yourself?

A: Just felt that my perception abilities had became very strong, and became more sensitive when it comes to understanding some matters, and those interpersonal minutiae emotions. Also learnt how to “spin” a lot of things, anything can be spun.

Q: Some audiences felt that you acted very “cute”, was this as per your expectations?

A: Yes, yes, it met my expectations, I felt that the first phase should be very cute, cute was right. Wei Wuxian’s story was split into three phases, the first phase had to be more energetic, just a carefree naughty child, such that the changes in the middle and end phase would be more obvious.

Q: You have a few more dramas upcoming, such as The Wolf, Joy of Life and Jade Dynasty, are there any preferences or standards in picking scripts?

A: Want to attempt more types of roles, currently, I want to act in a sweet contemporary drama. (Q: Any role you especially want to attempt?) Cute and alluring antagonist.

Q: What do you think is the most difficult part about being an actor?

A: To me, the most difficult part is to “transform” into that character.

Q: If you were not an actor, what other career would you try?

A: An artist, or a pastry chef.

Q: Who is your idol?

A: Stefanie Sun. (What about her that motivates you?) The part about her that motivates me is that she would do the things she likes very seriously, and also stay real and true to herself, she would not do something that goes against her principles intentionally. Quite good, and real.

Q: What do you think is “growth”? What is “mature”?

A: The growth I understood referred to improvement, but now I feel that growth does not necessarily mean improvement, there may also be experiences gained from failure or setbacks. Mature, I feel is just a phase. To me, “growth” is a verb, “mature” counts as a noun, it is a phase, after growth you become mature.

Q: How do you view “give” and “reward”?

A: To do something you like, there definitely has to be actions, I feel that these actions are the “give”, just that I am willing to give my all for the things I like. Whereas you cannot expect rewards, the difference is only how much you receive, when you “give” you should not expect rewards, let nature take its own course.

Q: What type of personality do you think you are?

A: I am a person with very strong principles. More small principles, there is a baseline, as long as it does not break that baseline I’m fine, but if it does, then it would not do.

Q: What do you do in your free time daily?

A: If there is time to rest, I would have a good sleep, and after that order in some takeaway, watch a movie, play some games. I am very “homebody”, I am a standard “homebody”.

Q: What unknown little skills do you have?

A: I know how to ice skate! I can skate using blades, although not very well, but it’s still not too bad.

Q: Promote to us a book that you like.

A: Recently I read this book “Tokyo Tower” 《东京塔》, quite touching, it spoke about the entangling relations of kinship. I was very touched after I finished reading, and I became even more homesick, and missed my mother even more, haha.

Q: What exercise do you like?

A: Gym and cardio. In my previous drama shoot, I was doing gym with my fellow cast, weight lifting etc was quite useful; but recently I was running multiple work notices and promotion, so I had to stop, whatever little I trained is now gone.

Q: What is your dressing style?

A: Simple is fine, colors are slightly plainer. (What accessory do you usually wear?) Bracelet and necklace.

Q: What are your favorite shoes and bag?

A: Clunky sneakers and sling bags, more convenient.

Q: What do you think are the world’s greatest inventions?

A: Air conditioner and mobile phones.

Q: From the start of the year until now, what are your greatest rewards?

A: I had been in different drama groups nonstop, I felt that from every different drama, I could find the difference in my portrayal in each of them, this made me quite happy.