Posted on: January 12, 2021 Posted by: NT Comments: 3

Original Article:
Original Author: Xiao Zhan

Chongqing is situated along the mountains and rivers, and accompanied by high rise buildings and greenery, almost like a steel and concrete jungle. After the rain, the mists would surround her and add a sense of mystery to her, the scaling light rail shuttles between forests, reflected in the waters of Yangtze River, endlessly cycling.

They said, tell everyone what is great about your hometown? This question stumped me. A place that I grew up in, I really do not know how I can describe in my limited vocabulary. My hometown, how should I introduce her to you?

I grew up along the Yangtze River, and this river nurtured us. As the people leaned against the stone steps of Chaotianmen Rail, and as we see the two rivers meet – half of it green and the other half red. From afar, the Bang-Bang Army carried their burdens toiling in sweat, the trains in the under-river tunnels carrying their load of working youths, their hurried pace climbing uphill as they ate what was in their hands, a day’s life begins as thus.

Since young, my parents loved to bring me to the Liberation Monument, and we could see it as far away as from the Yangtze River Bridge. Rising from the Yuzhou peninsular would be the skyscrapers and the gigantic hanging advertisement banners hanging from it, surrounded by thin mists – these tall buildings were like her protectors.

At night, the lights lit up the motors of this city, the night markets were bustling with business, and before the countless delicious food, people seemed to have forgotten their exhaustion from a day’s work. A few friends gathered, with joyful words and laughter. A different scene would be the river side tea houses, which seemed like a safe harbor, hidden in the city, only accompanied by the quiet sounds of the river breeze. In this city, there was no need for restraint, and there would be no need for consideration. No matter whether you were happy or sad, she would accept and embrace you, like how the two rivers meet here.

Countless youths are fighting for their dreams in this city, and countless people chose to leave this city to seek their future, but no matter what their choices were, the unyielding spirit and tenacity bestowed by this city in everyone never changes. As a child, the elders would tell me, people of Bayu (TN: the region which Chongqing historically belongs to) are always competing with the mountains, everyday we climb uphill, we will never cower from difficulties! Every bred and born Chongqing person are born with a strong and passionate heart, and this spirit will always continue. It allows us to live without fear, embrace our lives and love our lives!

You can say that this city is an “Internet Celebrity”, but I like to call her “Jianghu”, filled with lofty aspirations but yet gentle and sensitive! This is my hometown, Chongqing, the place that born and bred me! She is great. But where exactly is the great? I feel that I cannot explain it well as well, you have to come and experience it to know!

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