Obviously, I’m not the actual cat, but I am borrowing her namesake to post translated articles from Weibo. All articles in this blog are from gifted writers in Weibo, who also happened to be Xiao Zhan / Sean Xiao fans. Many of these articles contains in-depth analysis of Sean’s performances and interviews, and it’s a shame that these can’t be shared due to the language barrier. It is my hope that with these translations, the articles have a broader outreach and more will come to understand why we adore this man.
All articles here have been authorized by the original writers and credited accordingly. Please do not repost these translations or re-translate these without authorization from me or the original translators. The original articles (in Chinese) are also linked. If there are any translations mistakes, do feel free to contact me in the comments and I will update accordingly.
Much love, NT 🙂